Category: Parents

10 Guidelines for Kids and Cell Phones

In this video you will get ideas on how to set limits with your kids around cell phone usage. Shiloh Lundahl, LCSW is a child and family therapist who has worked with well over 1000 families helping them improve their family relationships. He is licensed in Arizona and California and currently has a private practice in Mesa, Arizona. In addition to working with families one on one, he also provides parenting classes. You can find out more information about him

Discipline, Three Strategies to Change Behavior Quickly

Discipline is defined as training people to obey rules or a code of behavior. Parents often wonder what is the best way to discipline their child or teenager. Discipline has two main goals. First, two change behaviors and second to maintain the relationship. Three strategies to change behaviors quickly Improve Adult-Child Interactions: Adults must go out of their way to have positive experiences and interactions with children and teenagers. Give positive attention to the things our children do appropriately.  


Don’t Waste a Good Mistake

Some parents would rather their kids NOT make mistakes, while other parents look forward to their kids making mistakes. Why would any parent want their kids to make mistakes?  Because wise parents know that if kids can make mistakes while the kids are young, and parents can respond to their kids in a certain way when they make those mistakes, then it will drastically increase the odds that their kids will learn several great lessons from that one mistake.   Case and point, my son,

teenage girl listening to music

Prompting and Fading Parenting ADHD, Autism, & Developmental Delays

Principles of Prompting and Fading Children with ADHD, Autism and Developmental Delays can be forgetful, impulsive and prone to distractions with daily tasks. Parents often get frustrated when their child or adolescent does not complete their tasks and responsibilities completely. Using effective prompts can help parents reduce their stress and maintain the relationship. Effective prompting and fading can help children and adolescents become more independent, respectful, and responsible.    Reasons for Using Prompts Prompts can be used to increase skills


Teaching Children and Adolescents Responsibility

Parents often ask me, “How do you teach your kids how to be responsible?” Responsibility is defined as the state of fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management. So how do we teach our kids to be responsible? The Perfect Life As parents we want our children to succeed and do well socially and academically. We want our children to never have to struggle too much, be uncomfortable, or be disappointed. We

Entitlement in Children

Helping Kids Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

Lately, I’ve been pondering a lot about how important it is to develop gratitude in families, and especially how important it is for our children to develop an attitude of gratitude.  Gratitude helps kids be optimistic and combats entitlement. What is entitlement and why is it so rampant? Entitlement in this sense is a feeling that I deserve certain things simply because I believe I should have them regardless of the work that I have put forth to acquire them. 

Anxious Baby

Is it possible for a baby to be depressed?

Many parents wonder if it is really possible for a baby to be depressed or to have anxiety, after all, he is just a baby.  The truth is baby’s can become depressed and they can develop anxiety. Many things play a part in a child developing anxiety or depression.  Part of it may be genetic, part of it may be due to medical or physical problems.  A part of it may also be related to the home environment including family

little boy with a bag

Homework and Being Successful.  Do they go hand in hand?

It’s that time of year again.  Time to put up the bathing suites and get out the book bags.  School is in session! For many parents this time can be a time of relief as they get their kids back into school and back on a routine.  For other parents, this time can be stressful as they hustle to get everything ready for their kids to go back to school.  Then there are other parents whose anxiety starts to build

Young Boy Holding Christmas Gift

5 Suggestions to help kids feel secure and truly happy

“I just want my kids to be happy” Seeking for your child to feel secure over being happy will help them more in the long run. I often hear parents say that they just want their kids to be happy.  Who can blame them?  I think that’s what every parent really wants for his or her kids.  However, if we as parents aim for our kids’ immediate happiness, we will often miss the mark on their overall happiness. Have you


Evidenced-Based Practices for Children, Youth, and Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Often individuals and parents seeking services for autism ask, “What treatment will help me or my child with autism?” There are many treatments and interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). How do we know which treatments work? The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders (NPDC) with the support and assistance of the University of North Carolina (UNC) published “Evidenced-Based Practices for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder”. The NPDC identified 27 evidenced-based practices (EBPs) that