Posts Tagged: “frustration”


Single and Dating

If you are like most single people you have put a lot of thought into how to meet someone and then the even more challenging task of discovering if you like one another and want to move forward into a relationship. This process has historically been accomplished through some type of courtship, getting to know one another or dating. However, you may be experiencing enormous amounts of frustration if all the time and energy you put into dating is not

Giving Kids the Opportunity to Succeed

One of the topics that often surface in the parenting classes that I teach is the parent’s fears of their kids failing in school.  This is especially true for parents of kids with ADD or ADHD, because of their child’s difficulty staying focused on a school task to completion. Parents want their kids to succeed.  So when their child starts to struggle with something such as schoolwork, the parent steps in to support their child by helping them with their

8 Ways to Break Through Teenage Walls

As a child and family therapist, I have met with many teenagers who have shut down. It looks like they have put up 2-foot thick concrete walls around themselves to keep their parents and other concerned adults at a distance. By the time parents contact me, months or even years of damage has already happened in the family and the interactions of shutting down and pushing away have become habits. Sometimes the parent and the child don’t even know or